My one order ships over multiple days? Why? (Q&A)

My one order ships over multiple days? Why? (Q&A)

Question: My one order ships over multiple days? Why?

Answer: Our products produced overseas by our factories are shipped using shipping carrier UPS/FEDEX with the shipment method International AIR Priority. This is the fastest method possible to ship from overseas to the destination in the United States. One of the steps during the transit process is going through export/import customs to confirm that the exporter and importer are following all local laws to ensure safety and controlling of country you are shipping the product to.

IDProductsource sends two type of shipments;
1.) Bulk shipments (shipments with multiple orders packaged together, these type of shipments will ship to our FL warehouse then back out to the final destination with a 1 day turnaround).
2.) Single order shipments going direct to it's final destination.

We will have orders that are delayed because they hit a bottleneck in customs, so we will sometimes receive bulk shipments staggered over a few days.
We always ship out bulk shipments we received the same day at our Florida Warehouse. So if we receive part of your order on Monday and the other part on Tuesday we will by company policy ship out the first part on Monday when its received an the remainder will be shipped out when its received the following business day(s).

With the delays in receiving packages this is where you will sometimes see where we ship out 1 order over a few days with multiple packages & tracking numbers.