What are the most common encoding instructions for magstripes? (Q&A)

What are the most common encoding instructions for magstripes? (Q&A)

Question: What are the most common encoding instructions for magstripes?

Answer: Encoding instructions vary greatly for magstripe cards. Card are encoded on either track 1, track 2 or both tracks of a magstripe (think of track as a line in a paragraph). The number of encoded characters generally ranges from 8 to 16 and may require a specific start number or numbering sequence.

We will actually ask the following questions prior to encoding data onto the cards during production.

Data/Encoding Questions

·         Are the cards being processed/tracked through the actual POS system or is a Credit Card Processor being used?

o   If through the POS system what system is it? (Name)

o   If through a Credit Card Processor who is the processor?

·         Will the card require a magstripe or a barcode?

o   If magstripe

§  What track or tracks get encoded? (T1, T2 or both T1 and T2)

§  Is there a specific number of digits needed?

§  Are there any prefixes needed at the beginning of the number?

o   If Barcode

§  What type of barcode is needed (C128, Code39, UPC-A or other)

§  Is there a specific number of digits needed?

§  Are there any prefixes needed at the beginning of the number?

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