CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key/Black):
CMYK is the color gamut for offset printed and full color printed techniques. It is a subtractive color model, which means colors are created by subtracting certain wavelengths of light from white. In CMYK, colors are produced by mixing various percentages of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks. This model is used in color printing because it mimics the way ink absorbs and reflects light on paper. It is commonly used for producing printed materials like brochures, magazines, and other physical media.
PMS - Pantone Matching System
PMS (Pantone Matching System):
The Pantone Matching System is a proprietary color system used for color specification and matching in various industries, including graphic design, printing, and manufacturing. PMS colors are pre-mixed inks that are standardized and numbered, allowing for consistent color reproduction across different media and materials. Offset printed products can’t use PMS colors. PMS colors have books for fluorescent and metallic colors. Unlike CMYK, which is based on ink mixing, PMS colors are created by using specific pre-defined ink formulations. PMS colors are often used for branding and corporate identity to ensure color consistency across different platforms.
RGB (Red, Green, Blue):
RGB is a color model used for electronic displays, such as computer monitors, TVs, and digital screens. It is an additive color model, where colors are created by adding various intensities of red, green, and blue light. The combination of these primary colors at various levels produces a wide range of colors visible on screens. RGB is not ideal for color printing because the primary colors are light-based rather than ink-based. It is used mainly for digital design, web graphics, and any content intended for display on electronic screens.
In summary, the main differences between CMYK, PMS, and RGB are their purposes and applications:

CMYK: Used for color printing, where colors are created by mixing inks (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) on paper.
PMS: Used for standardized color specification, particularly in branding and printing, with pre-mixed inks to ensure consistent color reproduction.
RGB: Used for electronic displays, with colors produced by mixing red, green, and blue light on screens.
Choosing the appropriate color model depends on the intended use of the colors and the medium they will be displayed on or printed with.