Company Policies
Product Decoration Agreement for Personal Care Line
These terms and conditions clarify the relationship between IDProductsource and a third-party decorator Snugz USA regarding the decoration & labeling of personal care products. By engaging IDProductsource for decorated personal care products, ...
Less Than Minimum Formula
We will walk you through the Less Than Minimum Formula (LTM), and how it works. On the Product Display Page (PDP), if the product states LTM formula applies you can order less than the 1st published increment and price point. If a product DOES NOT ...
Acceptable Forms of Payment and Staying PCI Compliant
PCI Compliance Guide: Email Communication Introduction Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance is essential for any organization that handles credit card information. Adhering to these standards ensures the security of ...
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy for IDProductsource LLC Effective Date: 03/01/2024 IDProductsource LLC ("we," "us," or "our") is committed to protecting the privacy and security of the personal information we collect, use, and share in the course of conducting ...
What is my Account Number? (Q&A)
Question: What is my Account Number? Answer: Your Account Number is listed next to your company name on the Estimate, Sales Order, Invoice, Payment Receipt, Payment Reminder -AND- in the body of the email. New Customers: If you have never ordered ...
Do you offer Self-Promo Pricing? (Q&A)
Question: Do you offer Self-Promo Pricing? Answer: Yes, IDProductsource offers Self Promotion Pricing. Special 1: Free Setup + 5% off unit cost, max discount $175 -OR- Special 2: Any running special applicable to the timeframe you are placing the ...
What is your Product Return Policy?
Effective Date: June 1st 2023 Thank you for choosing IDProductsource. We strive to provide you with the best possible shopping experience. In the event that you need to return a product, we have established the following return policy to ensure a ...